Monday, 19 October 2009

Clocks and novel planning

As autumn has arrived, the time is approaching when we will have to put the clocks back. Which for most of us means ten minutes trying to get the digital watch right.

Work on the novel planning isn’t going well. I’m getting stuck on trying to build up a character. I’m also looking at all the plot strands and wondering how I can fit them together. The first problem is because I’m thinking of her too much as there so serve a function in the plot, not actually in terms of ‘she is doing this because is the type of person.’ So I need to work on that.

Friday, 16 October 2009

Old Alligators in Love

Some cheerful news in the Guardian today (well I liked it.) A study of alligators in a wildlife reserve in Louisiana has revealed that up to 70% of female alligators will remain with the same male for many years. I think that’s a nice thought, the idea of an old alligator couple lying on the banks of the river together.

Trying to prepare for November, I'm getting the feeling that I might end up with a cast of thousands.

Monday, 12 October 2009

November is coming, sleeping cats and Up

Have finally signed up to November Novel Writing Month for this year. Ok now can start properly planning and panicking. It should be simple, but I’m worried I haven’t got the characters to a state, where it explains why they are doing what they are doing. At the moment I’ve a lot of ideas and an overall plan, but I’m still not sure how it will fit together. So I’ve just to start the process of selecting which bit’s will go in.

Why is it when you are working on anything, you can always find a cat sleeping within your sight, in a smug way?

Saw the film ‘Up’ at the weekend. While it is a cliché to say how great Pixar films are, it is completely right on this occasion. ‘Up’ is moving, romantic and witty. It has a wonderful opening establishing the ordinary life of two people in love, to explain the hero’s quest and escape and then moves into a spectacular journey, which is enjoyably surreal, referencing stories about explorers. Yet it never forgets the relationship shown in the opening is the heart and soul of the story.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

True Blood, politics, November is coming

The much hyped screening of ‘True Blood’ starts tonight. I’ll watch it but it needs to be good to outrank ‘Being Human’. I notice that after that it’s ‘Generation Kill’ billed as by the creators of ‘The Wire’. I have never seen an episode of ‘The Wire’, because I have got put off by all the people raving how it the greatest television series ever. How do you judge what is the greatest television series ever?

Today, the news is full of the shadow chancellor talking about wage freezes and pay cuts. This might be a bit of a risk. It certainly isn’t going to be made one of the cornerstones of the Conservative election campaign. “Vote for us and we’ll cut your pay because it’s for your own good.”

Been thinking about November Novel Writing month again. Feel like I still need a ton of planning to do. I was going for the idea that if I outline as much as I can, I won’t wind up having to bring in a new character/monster every few pages, to cover the fact that I’m not sure where to be going. Alternatively, it would mean that I will not wind up writing sentences that get long winded to bump up the world count. This did happen last November.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Sunny start for October

Bright and sunny in October. And some people say there is no such thing as global warming?

The Halloween stuff is starting to creep into shops. I get the desire to make a brand new costume for this year. Then I realise that I’m not likely to get invited to any costume parties, so it’s rather irrelevant.

Again realise there are a hell of a lot of projects that I want to do, that just seem to be piling up. I won’t suffer any physical side effects if I don’t do them. Part of me knows I might be expecting too much of myself.