Thursday, 14 January 2010

Spider-Man, jobs, Day of the Triffids

Sad to hear that Toby Maguire and Sam Raimi have been dropped from doing another Spider-Man film. Sony doesn’t really seem to be getting much goodwill from doing this. Criticism of Spider-Man 3 was largely defected from Ramie, as he clearly didn’t want to have Venom in the film. The studio has been talking about doing a reboot of the franchise, although the audience may not be that interested in sitting though another origin story. Unless it’s all over in 20 minutes.

Do you have ever those moments, when it feels that your ambitions have been thwarted by geography? I’ve seen an advert for a job of a library assistant that I would have liked to apply for but it’s in a different part of the country.

Saw the adaptation of ‘Day of the Triffids’ that was shown over Christmas, eventually. Good updating of the reason for the breeding of the Triffids and Eddie Izzard was impressive as the villain. However I ultimately felt that it was a let down. Firstly have the traffics gain roots that can grasp people and drag them though things, may have sounded impressive, but makes no sense. If they can do that, why have a sting, when they could just have prey dragged to them? It also weakens the basis for their name. (Three main roots – tri). Then there is the whole idea that the hero needs to have unresolved issues with his father. This smacks of something from an American book on screen writing. As does the whole ‘trying to remember something important from his childhood’ strand.

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