Friday, 19 February 2010

Location and A Short history of Myth

Trying to think a plot for the vampire story. Basically where it is going to be set. There needs to be a reason for it. Although, it could always just happen in the place. But I think I should at least make an effort for some attempt at a reason.

Finished reading 'A Short history of Myth' by Karen Armstrong. Very interesting study, that makes you wish that the writer could be given space to expand it.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Convention worries and more paradoxes

I’ve been feeling down of late. A large part of it, is that a couple of conventions are looming and I’m getting worried that I haven’t got anything to submit to editors, or have read all the relevant books beforehand. I realise that I may be the only person who thinks like this. I have not signed up for any sessions for pitching anything, or having to interview anybody. I am not going to have to take an exam, when I get there, so I should not have to worry.

Trying to work on idea for a story, I’m having a problem with the Grandfather paradox. You can’t kill your own grandfather, but your grandchild could kill you, after you have caused it to be born. There should be a reason, for why this can’t work, but I can’t think of it.